Better Heartbleed Detector can be used to determine whether or not your Android device is vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL. This app works by determining your device's OpenSSL version and checking if heartbeat is enabled or not.
How does Heartbleed relate to mobile devices and apps?
OpenSSL is the most widely used crypto-library for encryption in mobile. OpenSSL library is embeded directly into Android, but is also implemented directly by app developers on both, Android and iOS. By our estimation, over a billion installed apps are exposed to this vulnerability.
For more information visit,
Is my enterprise exposed to risk?
It’s very likely that apps within your enterprise, in-house or third party, are currently exposed and vulnerable.
What actions can I take?
For both, in-house and third party apps, the vulnerability needs to be patched and deployed on through respective app stores. Then your enterprise users need to update the apps.
Lebih baik Heartbleed Detector dapat digunakan untuk menentukan apakah atau tidak perangkat Android Anda rentan terhadap bug Heartbleed di OpenSSL. Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan menentukan versi perangkat Anda OpenSSL dan memeriksa jika detak jantung diaktifkan atau tidak.
Bagaimana Heartbleed berhubungan dengan perangkat mobile dan aplikasi?
OpenSSL adalah yang paling banyak digunakan kripto-perpustakaan untuk enkripsi secara mobile. Library OpenSSL yang diembed langsung ke Android, tetapi juga dilaksanakan langsung oleh pengembang aplikasi di kedua, Android dan iOS. Dengan estimasi kami, lebih dari satu miliar aplikasi diinstal terkena kerentanan ini.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi,
Apakah perusahaan saya terkena risiko?
Ini sangat mungkin bahwa aplikasi dalam perusahaan Anda, di rumah atau pihak ketiga, saat ini terbuka dan rentan.
Tindakan apa yang bisa saya ambil?
Untuk kedua, di-rumah dan aplikasi pihak ketiga, kerentanan perlu ditambal dan digunakan pada melalui toko aplikasi masing-masing. Kemudian pengguna perusahaan Anda perlu memperbarui aplikasi.
Better Heartbleed Detector can be used to determine whether or not your Android device is vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL. This app works by determining your device's OpenSSL version and checking if heartbeat is enabled or not.
How does Heartbleed relate to mobile devices and apps?
OpenSSL is the most widely used crypto-library for encryption in mobile. OpenSSL library is embeded directly into Android, but is also implemented directly by app developers on both, Android and iOS. By our estimation, over a billion installed apps are exposed to this vulnerability.
For more information visit,
Is my enterprise exposed to risk?
It’s very likely that apps within your enterprise, in-house or third party, are currently exposed and vulnerable.
What actions can I take?
For both, in-house and third party apps, the vulnerability needs to be patched and deployed on through respective app stores. Then your enterprise users need to update the apps.